Air Arabia Finance Assignment Help With Solution

Air Arabia Finance Assignment Help With Solution


Financial Analysis FA Phase 4 Credit Applications
you should have the ability to extract critical information from financial statements that can make a good risk analysis from a lending decision perspective.
For workshop FA, we will be using a publicly listed case (AIR ARABIA) to help us emphasizing on the learning outcome of this program.
Please use the attached : Fact Sheet (Sept 2014), Air Arabia IR Presentation Q4 2013 and visit to download financial statements (FYE 2013), and other information that you will need for your assignment.

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Related Services

Your report should cover the following issues (assuming September 2014- date of the attached fact  
Scope of Analysis:
1. Who do we have a risk on? Legal Counterparties/ Credit base. (draw an organogram).
2. What specifically were we asking the credit committee to approve in the attached fact sheet (nature of the transaction, credit need, source of repayment)?
Credit Risk Grid
3. Describe the business (activity/products, clients, geography, competitors, suppliers, technology)
4. What are the major Risks and Mitigants?
5. What is your view on the reliability of data (auditor, accounting policies, off balance sheet items)
6. Prioritize the relevant historic income statement, balance sheet ratio trends to be analyzed in the CA
7. Prioritize the non-financial factors causing these historic trends
8. Analyze Cash Flow statements using PACED and TANK as discussed in the previous phases.
9. What are the five or six critical issues (your views) on which the credit decision maker needs to be comfortable in order to expand the relationship with Air Arabia?
10. What comments (both positive and negative) would you make about the quality of the Fact Sheet Sept 2014?

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