Computer Science-Q24 Online Services
It is expected that marks and feedback will be returned by the middle of week 17. You should refer to sections 5 and 7 of the Undergraduate Students’ Handbook for details of the departmental policy regarding late submission and plagiarism; the work handed in must be entirely your own. This assignment comprises two exercises, to be written as separate programs in files called and Each will contribute 45% of the mark. The remaining 10% of the total mark for the assignment will be awarded for programming style and documentation. Sample data files to be used for testing the programs will be supplied. Exercise 1 The attributes of an employee are name, payroll number, job title and salary. In the file write a function which takes a string argument, and creates and returns a tuple containing details of the employee specified by the string. The string should be assumed to have the format
12345 25000 Consultant Bartholomew Homer Simpson
The first three items in the line will be the payroll number, salary and job title and the rest of the line will be the name. There will be no spaces in the job title but there will be spaces in the name. The tuple should contain exactly 5 items: the payroll number, salary, job title, surname and other names. (The other names should be stored as a single string; the surname will be the last name in the input line so in the example above the surname is Simpson and the other names are Bartholomew Homer. You should not assume that all employees will have exactly two other names; some may have just one and others may have more than two.)
Next, write a function that will print the details of an employee on a single output line. It should take a tuple as its argument and print the details in fixed-width fields using a layout such as Simpson, Bartholomew Homer 12345 Consultant £25000
The name must be displayed in a single fixed-width field using the format shown above so you will need to create a string containing the name in this format and print it in a fixed-width field. You may assume that no name will contain more than 30 characters when displayed in this format, no job title will contain more than 15 characters, payroll numbers will contain at most 5 digits and all salaries will be integers less than 1,000,000.
In the main body of the program, write code which prompts the user for a filename and attempts to open the file whose name is supplied. If the file cannot be opened an error message should be output and the program should terminate; otherwise the program should read each line from the file and supply it to the employee tuple-creation function, storing the tuples returned by this function in a list. You may assume that the file contains lines that conform to the format described for the argument to the function.
After the data has been input the program should display details of all the employees in the list in a neat table (using the function already written) then enter a loop in which the user should be given the option of requesting the display of (a) full details of (i) the employee with a given payroll number or (ii) all employees with a salary in a particular range (e.g. 20000 to 30000) or (b) the first and last names of all employees with a specified job title using the format Bartholomew Simpson (other names, when they exist, must not be output) or quitting the program. The user should then be asked to supply the job title, payroll number or lower and upper bounds of the salary range (as appropriate), the list should then be searched and the appropriate output displayed (using the function written earlier when full details are required). The salary output should be sorted numerically in ascending order of salary.. Appropriate messages should be displayed if a search produces no results. The user should be told what has to be typed in order to select each option; the input options should be concise (e.g. ‘1’, ‘2’ etc. or ‘j’, ‘s’ etc.) in order to allow quick testing of the program.
Exercise 2
This exercise involves writing a program to solve word search puzzles. For example in the following word grid it is possible to find the words active, stock, ethernet and java.
xmmycxvtljlqbbybkoumjqwbtbufve buubmekxbeydqmcnzyjpvdankomdmi lqactivexnyvwdvcoshoyrohgvfvqj vsewohvnbxsduqjiffkoyhpdwbrngc dvqwwwfkoyamapmlrrjvtkljpcvkua iqqfxtumsjvfmtrsbycyqiarixqikp afgrvlqzdqaxaoanfqplmjpjhnzams yofywrbpfcjiflcbbcoecxpwljyuyt twyxetyuyufvvmcuawjmbwlqhxjgqo txekdexmdbtgvhpyvsqtmljdxeqltc dcctenrehteoxqdgnueljtrrnesgok oqsnakqwerouftmgnjqbytjzhmwncc
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Case Approach
Scientific Methodology
We use best scientific approach to solve case study as recommended and designed by best professors and experts in the World. The approach followed by our experts are given below:
Defining Problem
The first step in solving any case study analysis is to define its problem carefully. In order to do this step, our experts read the case two three times so as to define problem carefully and accurately. This step acts as a base and help in building the structure in next steps.
Structure Definition
The second step is to define structure to solve the case. Different cases has different requirements and so as the structure. Our experts understand this and follow student;s university guidelines to come out with best structure so that student will receive best mark for the same.
Research and Analysis
This is the most important step which actually defines the strength of any case analysis. In order to provide best case analysis, our experts not only refer case materials but also outside materials if required to come out with best analysis for the case.
Conclusion & Recommendations
A weak conclusion or recommendations spoil the entire case analysis. Our expert know this and always provide good chunks of volume for this part so that instructors will see the effort put by students in arriving at solution so as to provide best mark.
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2.1 Inputting the Grid from a File
In the file write code to prompt the user for a filename, and attempt to open the file whose name is supplied. If the file cannot be opened the user should be asked to supply another filename; this should continue until a file has been successfully opened.
The file will contain on each line a row from the grid. For example the first two lines of a file that contains the grid shown on the previous page would be
Write code to read, in turn, each line of the file, remove the newline character and append the resulting string to a list of strings.
After the input is complete the strings in the list should be displayed on the screen, one per line.
Note that grids used for testing the submitted programs may have different widths and heights from the sample one that will be provided. Grids will contain only lower-case letters.
2.2 The Word-Search Function
Write a function that will take two arguments: a word to be searched for and a list of strings containing the grid.
The function should search for a horizontal (left-to-right or right-to-left) or vertical (downwards or upwards) occurrence of the. If a word occurs more than once the function is required to find only one occurrence so you should stop searching once the word has been found.
[ It is recommended that you first write a function that just searches for horizontal occurrences and then write the code for section 2.3 to allow the function to be tested before adding code to the function to search for vertical occurrences. ]
If the word has not been found None should be returned; if the word has been found the function should return a tuple, containing the row and column numbers of the first letter of the word and a string indicating the direction (i.e. four integers). The top row should be regarded as row 1 and the leftmost column as column 1.
2.3 The Word-Search
After displaying the grid, the program should ask the user to supply a name of a file containing words to be searched for, one word per line. This file should be opened, once again asking the user to supply another name if necessary. You should supply each word in this file in turn to the word-search function. If the function returns None the word should be added to a list of words that have not been found; otherwise the tuple returned should be added to a dict object using the word as a key.
After searching for all of the words you should display details of all of the words in the dictionary (in alphabetical order) using a format such as
active found: left to right from row 3 col 3
Finally you should output a list of the words that were not found (also in alphabetical order).
Documentation and Commenting
All functions in each of the programs should have documentation strings stating precisely what they do (but not how they do it), what their arguments are and what they return.
Within function bodies occasional brief comments, such as “search upwards” or “sort by surname” should be used to indicate what is being done by blocks of code – comments stating what each individual line does should not be provided.
If you have attempted both exercises place your two files and in a single .zip or .7z file and submit this to FASER. The file must be in one of these two formats; marks will be deducted for work submitted in any other format.
If you have attempted just one of the two exercises it is acceptable to submit a single .py file.
Marking Scheme
Exercise 1: 15 marks will be awarded for the successful input of the data into tuples and the output of the list of employees; the remaining 30 marks will be available for successful searching.
Exercise 2: 7 marks will be available for section 2.1, 25 marks for section 2.2 and 18 marks for section 2.3.
The remaining 10 marks will be awarded for documentation and commenting; the maximum mark available will be proportional to the amount of the assignment attempted.
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