
SiteROCK’s Military Management Culture Finance Case Study Assignment Help with solutions online

SiteROCK’s Military Management Culture
The high-tech, dot-com culture is not usually associated with the values and norms that characterize the military. However, managers of the thousands of dot-coms that went belly up in the early 2000s might have benefited from some military-style disciplined values and norms. Indeed, a few dot-coms that survived the shakeout did so because their managers used military-style rules and SOPs to control their employees and ensure high performance. One of these companies is SiteROCK, based in Emeryville, California, who’s COO, Dave Lilly, is a former nuclear submarine commander.
SiteROCK is in the business of hosting and managing the websites of other companies and keeping them up and running and error free. A customer’s site that goes down or runs haywire is the major enemy. To maximize the performance of his employees and to increase their ability to respond to unexpected online events, Lilly decided he needed to develop an institutionalized role orientation and develop a comprehensive set of rules and standard operating procedures (SOP) to cover all the major known problems that demonstrates the ability to work effectively in a team. Lilly insisted that every problem-solving procedure be written down and codified. SiteROCK now has over 30 thick binders listing all the processes and checklists that employees need to follow when an unexpected event happens. Their job is to try to solve the problem using these procedures which helps in assess the work and development needs of individuals
Moreover, again drawing from his military experience, Lilly instituted a “two-man” norm: Whenever the unexpected happens, each employee must immediately tell a coworker and the two should attempt to solve the problem together which demonstrates the ability to work effectively as a team. The goal is simple: Develop strong norms of cooperation to achieve the quick resolution of a complex issue. If the existing rules don’t work, then employees must experiment, and when they find a solution, the solution is turned into a new rule to be included in the procedures book to aid the future decision making of all employees in the organization.
At SiteROCK, these written rules and SOPs have resulted in values that lead employees to achieve high levels of customer service which is as a result of working effectively as a team. Because the goal is 100% reliability, detailed blueprints guide planning and decision making, not seat-of-the-pants problem solving, which might be brilliant 80% of the time but result in disaster the rest of the time? Before SiteROCK employees are allowed in the control room each day, they must read over the most important rules and SOPs. And at the end of a shift they spend 90 minutes doing paper work that logs what they have done and states any new or improved rules that they have come up with. Clearly, SiteROCK has developed a company-specific testament that symbolizes to employees the need for sustained, motivation, and cooperative effort.

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Question 1. Assess why a manager should study and analyze the culture of its organization?
Question 2. What kind of service did SiteROCK provide to companies?
Question 3. What SOP in SiteRock helps demonstrate the ability to work as a team or in a team?


Questions 4. Summarize the statements evidencing increase in motivation at SiteRock and how did this help the organization?

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