
Finance Assignment Help 69

E-Business Plan Development
For this assignment you will need to develop an e-business plan that should look at business strategy and how the e-business strategy will fit into the overarching business objectives and goals.
Prepare for your project by thinking about and looking to answer the following:
• What is the business opportunity and how can we define it?
• What is our strategy and reasoning for our approach/plan?
• What are the possible business/revenue models that may work and how may it change the company?
• How and what may we implement online?

How it Works

How It works ?

Step 1:- Click on Submit your Assignment here or shown in left side corner of every page and fill the quotation form with all the details. In the comment section, please mention product code mentioned in end of every Q&A Page. You can also send us your details through our email id with product code in the email body. Product code is essential to locate your questions so please mentioned that in your email or submit your quotes form comment section.
Step 2:- While filling submit your quotes form please fill all details like deadline date, expected budget, topic , your comments in addition to product code . The date is asked to provide deadline.
Step 3:- Once we received your assignments through submit your quotes form or email, we will review the Questions and notify our price through our email id. Kindly ensure that our email id and must not go into your spam folders. We request you to provide your expected budget as it will help us in negotiating with our experts.
Step 4:- Once you agreed with our price, kindly pay by clicking on Pay Now and please ensure that while entering your credit card details for making payment, it must be done correctly and address should be your credit card billing address. You can also request for invoice to our live chat representatives.
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Step 6:-You can also call us in our phone no. as given in the top of the home page or chat with our customer service representatives by clicking on chat now given in the bottom right corner.


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How It works ?

Step 1:- Click on Submit your Assignment here or shown in left side corner of every page and fill the quotation form with all the details. In the comment section, please mention product code mentioned in end of every Q&A Page. You can also send us your details through our email id with product code in the email body. Product code is essential to locate your questions so please mentioned that in your email or submit your quotes form comment section.
Step 2:- While filling submit your quotes form please fill all details like deadline date, expected budget, topic , your comments in addition to product code . The date is asked to provide deadline.
Step 3:- Once we received your assignments through submit your quotes form or email, we will review the Questions and notify our price through our email id. Kindly ensure that our email id and must not go into your spam folders. We request you to provide your expected budget as it will help us in negotiating with our experts.
Step 4:- Once you agreed with our price, kindly pay by clicking on Pay Now and please ensure that while entering your credit card details for making payment, it must be done correctly and address should be your credit card billing address. You can also request for invoice to our live chat representatives.
Step 5:- Once we received the payment we will notify through our email and will deliver the Q&A solution through mail as per agreed upon deadline.
Step 6:-You can also call us in our phone no. as given in the top of the home page or chat with our customer service representatives by clicking on chat now given in the bottom right corner.


Features for Assignment Help

Zero Plagiarism
We believe in providing no plagiarism work to the students. All are our works are unique and we provide Free Plagiarism report too on requests.


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Related Services

Students will write a 5 page written report (plan) and submit a Business Model Canvas. Use the resources listed below as a guide to help you through the process.
You will also need to look at the e-commerce model and decide on what approach you want to take.
Other resources may also be used however please ensure they are properly referenced.
Evaluation Criteria


Requirements Marks
Company Overview, Industry and Market Competition Analysis 8
Marketing and Operations Plans 7
Business Model Canvas 5
Total Marks 20



CMS Use – Structure – E-Business Plan


E-Business Development Plan Rubric

Minimally Acceptable
Does not meet Expectations
[below 50%]
Company Overview











Industry and Market Competition Analysis

Provide clear and detailed description of the company, industry it operates in along with specific objectives of the venture that fit the selected ecommerce model.

Includes business principles ideals and the corporate culture.

Conducted a thorough and detailed logical and realistic analysis of the market and competition including PEST, SWOT and competitive strategy.

Covered most of the key items required however failed to address all items or had one minor errors or flaws in logic or omissions.


Analysis was completed and included some minor flaws or errors in the PEST, SWOT or selection of the competitive strategy.

Basic description of the company provided however some elements were missing or omitted.




Analysis included one major or several minor errors in the analysis or the competitive strategy selection.

Student provided limited information on the company but did not include any clear objectives or failed to select or include an appropriate ecommerce model.


Analysis was not completed and included major and minor errors in the analysis and competitive strategy selection.

Marketing and Operations Plans Marketing and operations plans covered included market segmentation, product marketing, advertising/promotion, sales and distribution, supply chain overview and production process plans with no gaps or errors in logic. Items were covered and completed with some minor flaws in either the marketing or operations plans. Marketing and production plans were completed but included major flaws or several minor flaws. Key elements of the marketing and operations plan were missing or not included or the plan had significant major and minor flaws.
Business Model Canvas Business Model Canvas was fully complete and provided a strong case based on fact and information with no major items missing or excluded.


Business model canvas was completed with no major flaws and only minor problems or errors. Business model canvas was completed however included both major and minor flaws and errors. Business model canvas was partially completed however the items did not provide enough information to determine if the venture met the business objectives and how.


Product Code :Fin69

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