How Big Data Brings Marketing And Finance Together Case Study Solutions


The case study “Note on How Big Data Brings Marketing and Finance Together” by Wes Nichols discusses the growing importance of big data in bringing together the worlds of marketing and finance.

Case Issue:

The issue in the case is the role of big data in bridging the gap between marketing and finance and how companies can leverage this data to make better business decisions.

Case Analysis:

The case analysis reveals that big data refers to the large and complex sets of data that are generated by digital interactions. Big data is characterized by its volume, velocity, and variety. It is produced in real-time and requires advanced analytics to extract insights and value.

The case study discusses how big data is being used to bring together the worlds of marketing and finance. Traditionally, these two functions have been separate, with marketing focused on customer acquisition and retention, and finance focused on financial reporting and analysis. However, big data is enabling companies to gain a deeper understanding of their customers and their behavior, which is critical for both marketing and finance.

The case study also discusses the different ways in which big data is being used in marketing and finance. In marketing, big data is being used to develop more targeted and personalized marketing campaigns. By analyzing customer behavior and preferences, companies can create more relevant and engaging content that resonates with their audience. In finance, big data is being used to improve financial reporting and analysis. By integrating big data into financial models, companies can gain a more accurate and comprehensive view of their financial performance.

The case study emphasizes the importance of data governance in leveraging big data. Data governance refers to the policies and procedures that govern the collection, management, and use of data within an organization. It is critical for ensuring that data is accurate, reliable, and secure.


The case study highlights the growing importance of big data in bringing together the worlds of marketing and finance. It emphasizes the different ways in which big data is being used to improve marketing and financial performance. The case study also stresses the importance of data governance in leveraging big data effectively.

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To leverage big data effectively, companies should consider the following recommendations:

  • Firstly, companies should invest in the technology and systems needed to collect, manage, and analyze big data effectively.
  • Secondly, companies should develop a clear understanding of their customers and their behavior to inform targeted and personalized marketing campaigns.
  • Thirdly, companies should integrate big data into their financial models to gain a more accurate and comprehensive view of their financial performance.
  • Lastly, companies should establish clear data governance policies and procedures to ensure that data is accurate, reliable, and secure.

In conclusion, the case study emphasizes the growing importance of big data in bringing together the worlds of marketing and finance. To leverage big data effectively, companies should invest in technology and systems, develop a clear understanding of their customers and their behavior, integrate big data into financial models, and establish clear data governance policies and procedures.

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