Literature-AW-Q474 Online Services
English 232 American Literature
Literary Papers
For this paper assignment, you should write a substantial, clearly organized, stylistically precise, and mechanically correct essay. Paper Three will be worth 25% of final grade and should address a writer or writers we have discussed from midterm through the end of the semester.
• Students will recall the various developmental writing methods and organizational structures and use Standard English guidelines to create a college level analysis of a literary text.
• Students will understand the appropriate audience and appropriate tone to create a persuasive and believable argument about the theme of the literary text.
• Students will apply the rules of argumentation, including avoiding fallacies and bias, in creating a valid claim about the theme of the text and presenting evidence found in the text to support that claim in clear topic sentences.
• Students will analyze a literary text, using literary terms and techniques and critical lenses to narrow the topic, to make a claim and provide support.
• Students will evaluate the relative worth of outside sources and their usefulness in providing context to develop the literary analysis.
• Students will compose a well-developed literary analysis that integrates useful quotes and summaries from the original text to provide insight into the theme of the text that the author recognizes.
Your paper should analyze a text from the class from Modernism or Post Modernism. It can be:
1. A single, substantial text by an author
2. Several brief works by an author on one particular theme (for example, Nature in selected poems by Robert Frost)
Suggested Focuses for the Paper
• You may want to use literary criticism and present an interpretation that is Feminist, Marxist, Psychoanalytic, etc.
• You may wish to define the relationship between your text and American culture.
• You may wish to concentrate on the way in which the text crystallizes an American attitude (or attitudes) toward class, race, gender, nature, psychology, sociology, economics, history, literary theory, literary movements, language, etc.
• Or you may simply wish to explain an author’s sensibilities and ideas as expressed through the writing.
You can read more about our case study assignment help services here.
How it Works
How It works ?
Step 1:- Click on Submit your Assignment here or shown in left side corner of every page and fill the quotation form with all the details. In the comment section, please mention Case Id mentioned in end of every Q&A Page. You can also send us your details through our email id with Case Id in the email body. Case Id is essential to locate your questions so please mentioned that in your email or submit your quotes form comment section.
Step 2:- While filling submit your quotes form please fill all details like deadline date, expected budget, topic , your comments in addition to Case Id . The date is asked to provide deadline.
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Case Approach
Scientific Methodology
We use best scientific approach to solve case study as recommended and designed by best professors and experts in the World. The approach followed by our experts are given below:
Defining Problem
The first step in solving any case study analysis is to define its problem carefully. In order to do this step, our experts read the case two three times so as to define problem carefully and accurately. This step acts as a base and help in building the structure in next steps.
Structure Definition
The second step is to define structure to solve the case. Different cases has different requirements and so as the structure. Our experts understand this and follow student;s university guidelines to come out with best structure so that student will receive best mark for the same.
Research and Analysis
This is the most important step which actually defines the strength of any case analysis. In order to provide best case analysis, our experts not only refer case materials but also outside materials if required to come out with best analysis for the case.
Conclusion & Recommendations
A weak conclusion or recommendations spoil the entire case analysis. Our expert know this and always provide good chunks of volume for this part so that instructors will see the effort put by students in arriving at solution so as to provide best mark.
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• This essay should be 5 pages – excluding Works Cited page.
• You should cite a minimum of four secondary, critical sources, plus the primary text. The literary text or texts is a primary source and not one of the four critical sources, but it should also be included on the Works Cited page.
• Use only valid, academic literary criticism. These can be found in collections of essays in books in the library or though the databases offered by Wake Tech Libraries, including JSTOR (on campus only) and NCLive (accessible from home).
• A Prospectus (thesis, outline, and at least 2 potential sources) must be emailed to the instructor on the date assigned for approval.
• A rough draft must be posted in group pages to be commented on by other students and you must in turn comment on another student’s paper in group pages or you will lose 10% of your final grade of the paper.
• Any paper with more than 10 major grammatical errors will receive a zero.
Unacceptable Sources
• Reference Books with summaries of the subject and condensed criticism. While these may be useful for getting a general understanding of how the literature is discussed, you should find full-text articles to cite in your essay. Examples of unacceptable sources include Masterplots, Poetry Criticism, Short Story Criticism, Twentieth Century Literary Criticism, and Nineteenth Century Criticism.
• Cliffs Notes, Monarch Notes, Sparks Notes, and other general comment sources.
• Online sources that have not been approved by the instructor prior to submission.
Common Mistakes
• Avoid excessive biography. Generally, use biography only to support analysis.
• State a thesis about your topic, and then support the thesis with abundant specific citations from the literature and from the literary critics. (A good rule is to use at least one direct passage from the literature per paragraph.)
• Be sure the thesis does not make an assertion that is too obvious to the casual reader.
• Try not to “replicate” classroom discussion – except as a point of departure.
• Do not use plot summary!! Assume the reader has read the work but does not understand it as fully as you do. Therefore, you must explain your view.
• Do not use back to back quotes. Weave them into your own observations.
To Make Your Paper the Best It Can Be
• Have a rough draft of your essay reviewed by the Writing Center; you will most likely benefit greatly on the grammar and mechanics.
• Bring the paper by the instructor’s office and have the instructor review a rough draft or discuss ideas.
• Don’t wait until the last minute to write your essay.
• See the instructor right away if you have any questions or problems!
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