Phonological Research Assingment Help With Solution
This project undertakes a comparative phonological study of three Najdi Arabic (NA) dialects of central Saudi Arabia, namely, Qassim Arabic (QA),Sudair Arabic (SA) and Bedouin Najdi Arabic (BNA).For each dialect, the study would provide its phonological patterns and phonemic inventory. It would account for allophonic variations across these dialects by considering lexical phonology, that is, by considering how the underlying phonotactic constraints apply in the morpheme boundaries in word formation. It would also consider the prosodic structures to which phonotactic constraints apply. Thus, the afore-mentioned dialects, along with Modern Standard Arabic (MSA), would be compared with each other to account for their synchronic variations. An attempt would also be made to throw light on their diachronic evolutions as phonological systems from classical Arabic.
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Objectives and Research questions:
The project sets the following objectives:
1. Provide a detailed description and analysis of phonetics and phonological patterns of SA, QA and BNA; and compare the three dialects with Modern Standard Arabic.
2. Conduct instrumental studies to verify phonological patterns and their phonetic representations. The attempt is to have a descriptive account of the dialects based on empirical evidence.
3. Analyseand compare prosodic structures in SA, QA and BNA including word-stress and sentence-intonation.
4. Analyse and verify diachronic changes and synchronic variations in the three dialects with reference to MSA.
5. Situate these three dialects in Arabian family tree on the basis of stress patterns and segmental representations.
Research questions:
The project would also attempt to answerthe following research questions:
1. What are the commonphonological features of SA, QA and BNA;and what are theirindividual phonological features; and to what degree are they different from MSA?
2. What are the prosodic structures in the three dialects; and how do they vary?
3. With reference to MSA, what are the major sound changes attested in the three dialects; and what are the expected sound changes in the next generations?
4. Howdoes SA differ from QA and how theyboth differfrom BNA in terms of selecting different phonologicalconstraints, stress patterns and pitch accent patterns; and how their variations have evolved from MSA?
5. What is common among SA, QA and BNA as a group;and how the group positioned in Arabic family tree?
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