Resources Sector Finance Assignment And  Analysis Help With Solution

Resources Sector Finance Assignment And Analysis Help With Solution

INTRUCTIONS – Please use pocket calculator and show workings neatly under each question.
1. If 8.5% is the nominal rate of interest quoted by the bank and the real rate of interest is 2.5% what is the expected rate of inflation?
2. A bulldozer cost $1.3M in December 2013. What would its price be in December 2014 and April 2015 if over the intervening period it escalated in real terms at a rate of 1.0% per annum and general inflation averaged 2.5% per annum?
3. If the price of a mineral commodity was $3500/t in 1st June 2014 and $4000/t on 30 September 2015 what was the average annual rate of nominal price escalation? Please calculate it based on trading days and continuously.

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