Samuelson Essay Assingment Help With Solution
Over the last 30 year in the US, the real price of a college education (i.e. after adjusting for inflation) has increased by almost 70 percent. Over the same period, an increasing number of high school graduates have sought a college education. (Nationwide college enrollments almost doubled over this period.) While faculty salaries have barely kept pace with inflation, administrative staffing (and expenditures) and capital costs have increased significantly. In addition, government support to universities (particularly research funding) has been cut.
a. College enrollments increased at the same time that average tuition rose dramatically. Does this contradict the law of downward-sloping demand? Explain briefly.
b. Use supply and demand curves (or shifts therein) to explain the dramatic rise in the price of a college education.
Complete this essay in a Microsoft Word document, with a minimum of 300 words, APA formatted
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In 1989, the Detroit Free Press and Detroit Daily News (the only daily newspapers in the city) obtained permission to merge under a special exemption from the antitrust laws. The merged firm continued to publish the two newspapers but was operated as a single entity.
a. Before the merger, each of the separate newspapers was losing about $10 million per year. What forecast would you make for the merged firm’s profits? Explain.
b. Before the merger, each newspaper cut advertising rates substantially. What explanation might there be for such a strategy? After the merger, what prediction would you make about advertising rates?
Complete this essay in a Microsoft Word document, with a minimum of 300 words, APA formatted
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