Target Data Breach: Accounting for Contingent Liabilities Case Study Solution


The Target data breach in 2013 was one of the largest cyber-attacks in the history of the United States. The case revolves around the accounting for contingent liabilities related to the breach, which involves recognizing and estimating the financial impact of a potential loss or legal liability. In this case, Target’s management team must determine how to account for the potential costs associated with the data breach, which include legal fees, regulatory fines, and customer compensation. This paper will provide an analysis of the Target data breach case and make recommendations for how the company should account for these contingent liabilities.

Case Issue:

The Target data breach occurred in November 2013, and resulted in the theft of approximately 40 million credit and debit card numbers, as well as the personal information of 70 million customers. The breach was the result of a cyber-attack on Target’s point-of-sale systems, which allowed hackers to gain access to sensitive customer data. Target initially estimated the potential financial impact of the breach to be $162 million, but this figure was later revised upwards to $252 million. The issue at hand is how Target should account for these contingent liabilities in their financial statements.

Case Analysis:

Under U.S. accounting standards, a company must recognize and disclose contingent liabilities when the likelihood of a loss is probable and the amount of the loss can be reasonably estimated. In the case of the Target data breach, it is clear that a loss is probable, as the company has already incurred significant costs related to the breach, including legal fees and customer compensation. However, the amount of the loss is more difficult to estimate, as the full extent of the financial impact of the breach is still unknown.

One possible approach for Target would be to recognize the full amount of the estimated loss in their financial statements. This would involve recognizing a liability for the full $252 million, which would have a significant impact on the company’s financial statements. However, this approach may be too conservative, as the actual financial impact of the breach may be less than this amount.

Another approach would be to recognize a range of possible losses, rather than a single estimate. This would involve disclosing a range of possible outcomes, based on various assumptions and estimates. For example, Target could disclose a range of potential losses between $200 million and $300 million, based on different scenarios and assumptions. This approach would provide investors and analysts with more information about the potential financial impact of the breach, while still reflecting the uncertainty surrounding the final amount.


The Target data breach case highlights the challenges of accounting for contingent liabilities, particularly in situations where the full extent of the financial impact is unknown. While recognizing a single estimate of the potential loss may be too conservative, failing to recognize any loss at all could be misleading to investors and analysts. As such, companies must carefully consider how to account for contingent liabilities, and provide investors with as much information as possible about the potential financial impact.

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Based on the analysis above, we recommend that Target recognize a range of potential losses in their financial statements, rather than a single estimate. This range should be based on various assumptions and scenarios, and should reflect the uncertainty surrounding the final amount. In addition, Target should provide regular updates on the potential financial impact of the breach, as more information becomes available. By taking these steps, Target can provide investors and analysts with a more accurate picture of the potential financial impact of the breach, while still reflecting the uncertainty surrounding the final amount.

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