The End Of Accounting? Case Study Solutions


The case study “The End of Accounting?” by Baruch Lev and Partha Mohanram explores the concept of traditional accounting and its limitations in providing relevant and timely information to investors. The authors argue that current accounting practices are insufficient in providing a comprehensive view of a company’s value, leading to a misallocation of resources and distorted market signals. This case study analyzes the limitations of traditional accounting and suggests potential solutions to overcome these challenges.

Case issue:

The primary issue presented in the case study is the inadequacy of traditional accounting practices in providing relevant and timely information to investors. Traditional accounting methods focus on historical costs and financial statements, which do not reflect the dynamic and constantly evolving nature of businesses. This approach results in an incomplete picture of a company’s value, leading to misinformed investment decisions and ineffective allocation of resources.

Case analysis:

The case study highlights several limitations of traditional accounting practices. Firstly, historical cost accounting does not reflect the current value of assets and liabilities, leading to an inaccurate portrayal of a company’s financial health. Secondly, financial statements do not provide enough detail on intangible assets such as brand recognition and customer loyalty, which are becoming increasingly important in today’s economy. Finally, accounting standards and regulations often lag behind technological and market innovations, leading to inconsistent and outdated practices.

The authors suggest that a solution to these limitations is to incorporate a broader set of performance indicators that reflect the company’s overall value creation. This approach, referred to as “integrated reporting,” includes financial and non-financial information that provides a more holistic view of a company’s performance. Additionally, the authors propose the use of digital technology to collect and analyze real-time data, leading to more accurate and timely reporting.


The case study “The End of Accounting?” argues that traditional accounting practices are inadequate in providing relevant and timely information to investors. The authors suggest that the solution to these limitations is to incorporate a broader set of performance indicators and utilize digital technology to collect and analyze real-time data. By doing so, companies can provide a more comprehensive view of their value creation and improve market efficiency.

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Based on the analysis presented in the case study, the following recommendations are made:

  • Companies should adopt integrated reporting to provide a more comprehensive view of their value creation.
  • Accounting standards and regulations should be updated to reflect market and technological innovations.
  • The use of digital technology should be encouraged to collect and analyze real-time data.
  • Investors should be encouraged to consider a broader set of performance indicators beyond financial statements.
  • Accounting professionals should adapt to changing market dynamics and technological innovations to provide value to their clients.

Overall, these recommendations can help to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of accounting practices and provide investors with a more complete view of a company’s value creation.

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