On Two Wheels in Paris: The Velib’ Bicycle-Sharing Program (Supplement) Case Study Solution


The case study “On Two Wheels in Paris: The Velib’ Bicycle-Sharing Program” by Peter A. Coles and Elena Corsi explores the innovative Velib’ program in Paris, a large-scale public bicycle-sharing initiative. Launched amid rising concerns about urban congestion and environmental sustainability, the case examines the challenges and opportunities faced by the Velib’ program. This analysis delves into the case’s key issues, evaluates the program’s strengths and weaknesses, and provides recommendations for its sustainable growth.

Case Issue

The primary challenge faced by the Velib’ program is to balance operational efficiency, financial sustainability, and user experience. Maintaining a large fleet of bicycles, ensuring their proper functioning, addressing issues of theft and vandalism, and accommodating the diverse needs of users are significant challenges. Additionally, the program must continue to attract and retain users while adapting to the evolving landscape of urban transportation.

Case Analysis

Operational Efficiency and Maintenance
Ensuring the availability and functionality of bicycles at all times is crucial. Efficient maintenance schedules and swift repairs are necessary to prevent service interruptions. Implementing real-time tracking systems and predictive maintenance algorithms can optimize the fleet’s performance and minimize downtime.

User Experience and Accessibility
The program’s success hinges on user satisfaction. Streamlining the user interface of the Velib’ app, providing clear instructions, and offering multilingual support can enhance user experience. Moreover, ensuring the accessibility of bicycles for individuals with disabilities promotes inclusivity and widens the program’s user base.

Financial Sustainability and Partnerships
Striking a balance between affordable user fees and the program’s financial sustainability is pivotal. Exploring partnerships with local businesses for sponsorships, advertisements, or loyalty programs can generate additional revenue streams. Collaborating with local governments can lead to subsidies or incentives, making the program financially viable and accessible to a broader audience.


In conclusion, the Velib’ program represents a commendable step toward sustainable urban transportation. Its success lies in overcoming operational challenges, enhancing user experience, and securing long-term financial viability. By addressing these aspects strategically, the Velib’ program can continue to thrive and contribute significantly to Paris’s eco-friendly commuting landscape.

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Advanced Maintenance Systems
Implement predictive maintenance systems using IoT technology. Real-time monitoring of bicycles can predict failures, allowing for proactive repairs and reducing downtime. Regular maintenance checks should be conducted to ensure all bicycles are in optimal condition.

Enhanced User Experience
Revamp the Velib’ app interface to make it more intuitive and user-friendly. Provide clear, multilingual instructions for users, enhancing accessibility. Implement features like in-app customer support and real-time availability updates to keep users informed and engaged.

Community Engagement and Education
Conduct community outreach programs and educational campaigns to promote bicycle usage and road safety. Engage with local schools, businesses, and community centers to create awareness about the benefits of cycling and the Velib’ program.

Partnerships and Sponsorships
Seek partnerships with local businesses and corporate entities for sponsorships and advertisements on bicycles and docking stations. Collaborate with local governments to secure subsidies for eco-friendly commuting initiatives. Loyalty programs with local shops can incentivize users and attract new ones.

Regular User Feedback Surveys
Conduct periodic surveys to gather feedback from users. Analyze their suggestions and concerns to make data-driven decisions for program enhancements. Actively incorporating user input ensures that the Velib’ program remains responsive to the needs of the community.

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