ANZPI Report Assingment Help With Solution
1. The premises are to be described in terms of size, construction and layout-and present use. Additionally, students are to outline and investigate the status of the selected property in terms of town planning considerations.
2. Having regard to the current use of the premises the basis of valuation must be “current market value”; students are to put forward prime, supporting secondary (check) methods of valuation and must identify market data presently available to the valuer (e.g. sales)
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3. Additionally, students will highlight the points of comparisondiscerned in the key sales transactions identified in the rationale` section of valuation report. What attributes assisted their deliberations in arriving at the final value conclusion in accord with the stated report purpose. See Millington, Ch.7.
4. Students will prepare a full-speaking narrative professional valuation report for the selected premises. The ANZVPS Business Focus 14.3 Reports, Content and Compilation section specifically refers to self-contained or comprehensive style reporting format.
Details of all valuation calculations, methodology, assumptions, and sales analysis are required. Professional standards must encompass instructions, valuation executive summary, evidence and annexures. Especially, students will identify the matters that must be conveyed to persons commissioning a valuation of the premises selected for this exercise. Observance and adherence to the APINZ Valuation and Property Standards will be strictly evaluated.
The traditional industry reporting format does not preclude scholarly discussion (where relevant) and proper referencing for this subject’s purposes. For all intents and purposes i) to iii) above may be viewed as client instructions as the observant student will note that these issues should be addressed in any quality valuation report. Students will be critiqued on the appropriateness of the basis (preferably market value), purpose, interest to be valued and valuation methodologies for the chosen subject property.
Word limit is 2,500 words maximum incorporating if deemed relevant, figures, tables/charts, floor and site plans, locality maps, photos/pictures, sales transaction analysis schedules, field notes, supporting valuation calculations and workings; qualifications, disclaimers, acknowledgements, table of contents, executive summary and reference list. Students must hone, edit and re-edit their reports down to a lean, succinct, concise document. Endeavour to cultivate a superior professional and objective narrative tone that flows.
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