Research-AW547 Online Services
Project: Paper and Power Point
The research paper requirement for ACCT320 is consistent with the UMUC’s policy to develop student written communications skills and a student’s use of computer technology to perform research in his or her field.
The course project paper due for this course is to be four to five pages in length, double-spaced, and followed by references. One-inch margins are to be used with a 12-pitch font. The paper, including a reference list, is to comply with the American Psychological Association (APA) style rules. Completed papers are to be posted to the student Assignments folder.
You can read more about our case study assignment help services here.
How it Works
How It works ?
Step 1:- Click on Submit your Assignment here or shown in left side corner of every page and fill the quotation form with all the details. In the comment section, please mention Case Id mentioned in end of every Q&A Page. You can also send us your details through our email id with Case Id in the email body. Case Id is essential to locate your questions so please mentioned that in your email or submit your quotes form comment section.
Step 2:- While filling submit your quotes form please fill all details like deadline date, expected budget, topic , your comments in addition to Case Id . The date is asked to provide deadline.
Step 3:- Once we received your assignments through submit your quotes form or email, we will review the Questions and notify our price through our email id. Kindly ensure that our email id and must not go into your spam folders. We request you to provide your expected budget as it will help us in negotiating with our experts.
Step 4:- Once you agreed with our price, kindly pay by clicking on Pay Now and please ensure that while entering your credit card details for making payment, it must be done correctly and address should be your credit card billing address. You can also request for invoice to our live chat representatives.
Step 5:- Once we received the payment we will notify through our email and will deliver the Q&A solution through mail as per agreed upon deadline.
Step 6:-You can also call us in our phone no. as given in the top of the home page or chat with our customer service representatives by clicking on chat now given in the bottom right corner.
Case Approach
Scientific Methodology
We use best scientific approach to solve case study as recommended and designed by best professors and experts in the World. The approach followed by our experts are given below:
Defining Problem
The first step in solving any case study analysis is to define its problem carefully. In order to do this step, our experts read the case two three times so as to define problem carefully and accurately. This step acts as a base and help in building the structure in next steps.
Structure Definition
The second step is to define structure to solve the case. Different cases has different requirements and so as the structure. Our experts understand this and follow student;s university guidelines to come out with best structure so that student will receive best mark for the same.
Research and Analysis
This is the most important step which actually defines the strength of any case analysis. In order to provide best case analysis, our experts not only refer case materials but also outside materials if required to come out with best analysis for the case.
Conclusion & Recommendations
A weak conclusion or recommendations spoil the entire case analysis. Our expert know this and always provide good chunks of volume for this part so that instructors will see the effort put by students in arriving at solution so as to provide best mark.
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A minimum of six references are to be provided. Sources should be from reliable sources, like highly recognized publications, such as the Wall Street Journal or journal articles found with the UMUC electronic library. When using the UMUC library for your research, the two boxes should be checked for “peer-reviewed” and “full-text” articles. Using these criteria will assure you have well-respected sources supporting your work.
Wikipedia and general information from the Internet do not meet this standard. It is best to retain a copy of the materials cited as sources in the submitted document. Links to cited documents could sometimes become unavailable for retrieval before a paper is completed. It also might be helpful to use the document copies to support the conclusions in a submitted paper. Documentation is an important aspect of developing a good investigation file. Textbooks are not appropriate references for this purpose.
The course project paper will address a case involving fraud, waste, and abuse with issues of both fraud detection and fraud deterrence. The topic must be presented to and approved by the professor before you start to work on the paper. This is to ensure you have a topic you can be successful with. Demonstrate your mastery of the course material. Include key concepts in the presentation and discussion of the topic selected and approved for the paper. Take care to avoid issues of academic dishonesty and plagiarism.
A successful paper will not be developed by copying and pasting content from the Internet, but through careful analysis and presentation of the case based on the sources found during your research of the case. Topics should be presented logically, bringing together the work of various authors who have written about the case presented.
product code: Research-AW547
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